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Friday, June 28, 2019

Fun At The Fair

I went to the yearly local fair with my family last night. We heard good music. Ate good food. Talked with old and new friends. But didn't get on any rides or gamble. The most memorable part of the evening for me was talking to the owners of a booth who were selling an updated version of Lee Press On Nails. The actual brand is Color Street and my daughter and I were very impressed with the product and bought four packs. The color choices are beautiful and the product is easy to apply. And as a bonus I gained a new Cricut client as I was wearing my Cricut instructor t-shirt and she just got a new Cricut.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Now Teaching at Michaels

I am so excited to say that, in addition to teaching the use of Cricut at JoAnn's, I am now a Cricut instructor for Michaels.
I had gotten an e-mail asking for locals to teach in nearby Michaels stores. I gave it some thought but was somewhat reluctant to take on more commitments and saved the e-mail so I could take my time to consider it.
About a week later I was shopping at Michaels and looking at the Cricut Maker when an employee and I started talking and she said she was wishing that Michaels would start having Cricut classes and was considering giving one herself. When I told her I was a Cricut instructor she suggested I apply to teach there. I told her I didn't want to step on her toes and she indicated she would be happy for me to do a class.
When I got home I went on line and filled out the application and waited, thinking it would take a while to hear back. I actually heard back within a day.
And now, less than a week later, I am officially enrolled as an independent contractor and have classes planned for July.
My plan is to teach the new Infusible Ink. In hopes of being approved for this, I ordered on line, and bought in Michaels, enough supplies to teach small groups and want to thank Melody Lane for the link to buy butcher paper on Amazon. I tried to buy it locally but no-one sells it. I even asked a butcher at the local grocery store but was told they don't use it.
I also used this as an excuse to upgrade to the Easy Press 2 so I would be certain to get the best result.
Please send positive thoughts for my success,

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

I'm So Grateful for Patient People

I had a Cricut class last night and, as usual, the internet was difficult to connect with and would not stay connected. When people are trying to learn something new they don't need the hassle of fighting with something, that in most cases, runs smoothly in the background. But these ladies were real troopers who supported each other and me. (I get easily flustered and truly appreciated their patience with me as well as with the problems caused by the internet.)
The most embarrassing part is that three of my five students were teachers themselves.
However, everyone was able to accomplish making an item and all maintained great attitudes.
I love teaching the use of the Cricut and hope that the internet situation can be resolved so that the classes can be more productive and positive.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Best Laid Plans

I made a commitment to myself to attend daily to my on line sites. So I got up this morning with the intention to spend an hour on housework and then get right to my blog and facebook pages. My first stop was the kitchen to do the dishes. The first glitch was that, in cooking dinner last night, my daughter cooked spaghetti, the entire surface of the stove was greasy and full of spaghetti sauce. So I put all the burner things in the oven and sprayed them with oven cleaner. While they were soaking I decided to take my computer outside and do my writing while soaking up the sun. The first think I saw on line was a message from Melody Lane announcing a Cricut get together with Cricut CEO Ashish Arora which I had to sign up for. I am sooo excited to be able to meet him.
Well, anyway, that all took awhile and I needed to finish cleaning the stove. By now it was eleven am and I needed to call my Cricut students for our class tonight and by the time I finished that it was lunch time.
I ate lunch and looked at my messages while I ate and saw that Melody Lane was getting ready to do a live chat showing how she used Infusible Ink pens on a coaster. Since I'm going to have to teach this at some point myself I thought I should watch that.
So here I am writing on my Blog while watching Melody Lane. You should watch her too if you want to become proficient in the Infusible Ink arena.
I'm off now to post on facebook before I have to leave to teach my JoAnn's Cricut Class.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

All Set Up For Infusible Inking

I made sure that I was awake at midnight on June 16 so that I could order the new Infusible Ink, pens, markers, and transfer paper as soon as it went on sale. I couldn't find butcher paper in any of the local grocery stores but Melody Lane posted a link to an Amazon site that sells it. Then, yesterday, on my way home from a luncheon, I stopped at a Michael's and bought a T-shirt sold by Cricut, more pens and markers, another box of transfer paper, and heat resistant tape. When I got home I opened an e-mail from Melody Lane with a link to a design she made and was sharing with her Patreons. I immediately set out to make in and adhere it to the T-shirt I bought. The weeding was a little difficult but worked out just fine. The shirt is pictured below and I am loving it. The largest size T-shirt that Michaels had was XL and I probably wear an XXL, but I will still be wearing this shirt.

If you're a Cricut user I hope you will be trying this new product line. It's a little scary, but I'm betting that once you try it you will love the ease of use and permanent adhesion. They have even come out with a glitter transfer paper. I love that Cricut continues to grow and improve.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


This is so exciting. Many of my clients have wanted to make their own art and apply that to T-Shirts and other items that can tolerate high heat and now they can. Cricut has produced infusible ink pens which can be used in the Cricut and by hand. Please watch Melody Lane's youtube showing how to use it.