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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Best Laid Plans

I made a commitment to myself to attend daily to my on line sites. So I got up this morning with the intention to spend an hour on housework and then get right to my blog and facebook pages. My first stop was the kitchen to do the dishes. The first glitch was that, in cooking dinner last night, my daughter cooked spaghetti, the entire surface of the stove was greasy and full of spaghetti sauce. So I put all the burner things in the oven and sprayed them with oven cleaner. While they were soaking I decided to take my computer outside and do my writing while soaking up the sun. The first think I saw on line was a message from Melody Lane announcing a Cricut get together with Cricut CEO Ashish Arora which I had to sign up for. I am sooo excited to be able to meet him.
Well, anyway, that all took awhile and I needed to finish cleaning the stove. By now it was eleven am and I needed to call my Cricut students for our class tonight and by the time I finished that it was lunch time.
I ate lunch and looked at my messages while I ate and saw that Melody Lane was getting ready to do a live chat showing how she used Infusible Ink pens on a coaster. Since I'm going to have to teach this at some point myself I thought I should watch that.
So here I am writing on my Blog while watching Melody Lane. You should watch her too if you want to become proficient in the Infusible Ink arena.
I'm off now to post on facebook before I have to leave to teach my JoAnn's Cricut Class.

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