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Saturday, February 23, 2019

When You Think You Are The Expert But Your Client Knows More Than You

WOW! How embarrassing!
I had a JoAnn t-shirt class the other day and my class wanted to do layered iron on. One of the class members asked me about using parchment paper to put over the layers to protect them and I explained that I had never heard of that but had only had a problem once when using foil.
So we proceeded to cut the layers and get ready to adhere them. When that client was ready to place her second layer I suggested she place pieces of the transfer paper over the exposed pieces already adhered. She did what I suggested and OH MY. The result was lines impressed into the vinyl. I was so embarrassed but even more, felt ashamed that following my suggestion ruined her design.
She was very gracious and stated she felt she could still use the project.
So now I have watched yet another youtube on layering vinyl and hope that I am now closer to being the EXPERT.

Monday, February 11, 2019

How I spent my Sunday regorganizing my embossing folders

Early in my cardmaking career I was fortunate to find Totally Tiffany and adopted many of her organization tips and tools. And they have,  for the most part, continued to serve me well. However, I now have a hundred embossing folders. Most of which I have never used. And I am learning that WHAT I CANNOT SEE I DON'T USE!
I happened to watch a youtube where a crafter showed that she had made copies of her embossing folders and kept them on a ring. They were all the same size and color. (Sorry I cannot find the youtube to reference for you) So I spent the whole day on the reorganization.
The first thing I needed was to find a large ring to store the embossed pages. This took me about an hour and visits to four stores.
With the exception of the first embossing folders that I had removed from their packaging to store in my Totally Tiffany binder, all of my folders were kept in their original packaging. So at first, I was removing them from and then returning them to the packaging. About halfway through it occurred to me that this might be a "tad" OCD.  I went so far as to query a Facebook group I belong to and asked for advice. All respondents agreed that I should toss the packaging.
I finished at about 8pm and now have a two and a half inch wide ring of embossed papers which hang on my craft box. Easy to find and sort through.

Cable Knit Card

If I was excited last week to have acquired a year's worth of birthday stamps I cannot describe how excited I am this week.
When I first started card making four years ago someone posted a picture of a card made with a cable knit patterned embossing folder. I fell in love with it and tried to find one immediately. I found the one that was used in the post but they were sold out.
Life moved on and I forgot about it until recently when someone again posted a card they had made using the same folder. So my yearning was again piqued.
Since I teach Cricut classes at JoAnn's I was there for a class and decided to buy another magazine like the one I got last time. And WOW what do you think I found !!!!

This was in Issue 185 of Simply Cards and papercraft. There were several stamps included also. My favorite is the polar bear wearing a Christmas sweater. I'll use that on the next card.

Monday, February 4, 2019

A Stamping Windfall

I am so excited. After my most recent Cricut class at JoAnn's, I stopped at the magazine display at the front of the store and noticed some crafting magazines that included stamp sets. I chose one without realizing the "bonus" of the magazine I had chosen. When I got home and opened the stamp sets (there were two) I realized I had a complete year of birthday flowers, month names, flower names, and other birthday-related words and embellishments.
Now, although a card maker, I do not usually send cards except to a few close friends and family. But my UMC card class recently decided to acknowledge every member's birthday. So with the recent snow days, I have already finished the cards for February and March. I skipped over January since I had already sent the January birthday card for our group.
Another bonus I received by having organized my paper scraps was that I found perfect paper scraps to use for the card making. YEAH !!!

For anyone interested in seeing if your JoAnn's has this magazine it is Issue 65 of  "creative Stamping"

PS: I have started a new facebook page for Cricut Design Space users named "MaryLou's Cricut Crew" and if you already are using Design Space or would like to learn how please join the group.
Also please like and subscribe to my blog and let me know what your interests are.