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Monday, February 4, 2019

A Stamping Windfall

I am so excited. After my most recent Cricut class at JoAnn's, I stopped at the magazine display at the front of the store and noticed some crafting magazines that included stamp sets. I chose one without realizing the "bonus" of the magazine I had chosen. When I got home and opened the stamp sets (there were two) I realized I had a complete year of birthday flowers, month names, flower names, and other birthday-related words and embellishments.
Now, although a card maker, I do not usually send cards except to a few close friends and family. But my UMC card class recently decided to acknowledge every member's birthday. So with the recent snow days, I have already finished the cards for February and March. I skipped over January since I had already sent the January birthday card for our group.
Another bonus I received by having organized my paper scraps was that I found perfect paper scraps to use for the card making. YEAH !!!

For anyone interested in seeing if your JoAnn's has this magazine it is Issue 65 of  "creative Stamping"

PS: I have started a new facebook page for Cricut Design Space users named "MaryLou's Cricut Crew" and if you already are using Design Space or would like to learn how please join the group.
Also please like and subscribe to my blog and let me know what your interests are.

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