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Monday, February 11, 2019

How I spent my Sunday regorganizing my embossing folders

Early in my cardmaking career I was fortunate to find Totally Tiffany and adopted many of her organization tips and tools. And they have,  for the most part, continued to serve me well. However, I now have a hundred embossing folders. Most of which I have never used. And I am learning that WHAT I CANNOT SEE I DON'T USE!
I happened to watch a youtube where a crafter showed that she had made copies of her embossing folders and kept them on a ring. They were all the same size and color. (Sorry I cannot find the youtube to reference for you) So I spent the whole day on the reorganization.
The first thing I needed was to find a large ring to store the embossed pages. This took me about an hour and visits to four stores.
With the exception of the first embossing folders that I had removed from their packaging to store in my Totally Tiffany binder, all of my folders were kept in their original packaging. So at first, I was removing them from and then returning them to the packaging. About halfway through it occurred to me that this might be a "tad" OCD.  I went so far as to query a Facebook group I belong to and asked for advice. All respondents agreed that I should toss the packaging.
I finished at about 8pm and now have a two and a half inch wide ring of embossed papers which hang on my craft box. Easy to find and sort through.

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