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Friday, November 2, 2018

Phone issue resolved, wall art installed, and new business started

If you read yesterday's blog you know I had an awful experience with adding a second number to my phone. I implored my neighbor, the wonderful Harry from the Youtube live adventure, to intercede again. It turned out that TJ, my daughter's boyfriend, had already fixed it. So while Harry was here he resolved a computer problem that I hadn't even been aware of. I am sooo lucky to have him for a neighbor. I hope someday soon I will be able to afford to offer him recompense for all his good works. And now that everything is working smoothly I will tell you that the program I am using for my second phone number is Google Voice and I am quite pleased with it.
Later I went to a friends house and installed the wall art I had designed for her son's bedroom. It is a police badge with his picture. It is made from print and cut vinyl and was very easy to apply. I had put a test piece on my own wall where it stayed for many months while she was waiting to repaint her son's room. It adhered very well and removed easily if anyone is interested in using print then cut vinyl on walls.
My most exciting news is what happened today and I just couldn't wait until tomorrow to tell you about it.
I posted yesterday on a local facebook group that I was offering lessons on how to use the Cricut. I got some responses but wanted to post on a more user-friendly site (that I happen to personally manage)
I wrote a post but when I reviewed it there was just something missing. I remembered that I have a Canva account so I went to that site and designed an ad which I was very proud to post. AND I got a response almost right away.

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