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Thursday, November 1, 2018

At this rate this project is going to take a really really long time

So, fairly early in the day, I had the idea to boost my business by offering in-person Cricut instruction. The only phone I have is my personal cell and I didn't want to use that as a contact number. I went online and looked up second cell numbers and found a free service that looked like it would meet my needs. (I won't mention the name of it because I don't want to give a service a bad name when the problem is likely my fault). Once I had it set up I called a friend and asked them to call me so I could try it out.
I was sitting right near my computer and when my friend called instead of the phone ringing the sound came from my computer.  I was so discombobulated that I couldn't think what to do so the call went to voicemail.
I called my friend back and explained what happened and asked her to call back so I could practice answering correctly. She did call back and, this time, when I answered the phone I was prompted to press 1 if I wanted to accept the call. I frantically searched for the number pad so I could answer before the call, once again, went to voice mail. By the time I answered the call I had forgotten what I wanted to say as a standard greeting.
Next, I apprised my daughter of what I was up to and asked her to call the new number so that I could continue to familiarize myself with the answering process. After her call, which I was able to answer correctly, I realized I would need a method to know which number was being called because both numbers ring the same and just show a name or number of the phone that is calling. So I went online to see what could be done. It looked like all I had to do was open the website and indicate I wanted the new number to show when it was being called. Once I had done that I asked my daughter to call me again to see if it worked.
That is when tragedy struck. Her call went right to voice mail. I asked her to try calling the regular number. The call wouldn't go through at all. I messaged my grandson and asked him to call and that call wouldn't go through. When my daughter's boyfriend got home I asked him to try and his call would not go through either.
I tried removing the new number and am unable to accomplish that.
Hopefully, I will have good news later today when my neighbor, who is a computer expert, takes a look at my phone.
But the bottom line is that I, once again, got little accomplished toward my goal of organization and productivity.

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