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Saturday, November 3, 2018

Finally made progress on one of my agenda items

Let me start by saying that on Friday I spent a good part of the day attending to posting on my various websites and then I had a Cricut beginner class at Joann's in the evening. There were two students and one of them had an Expression 1 which cannot connect to Design Space. In addition, I have forgotten everything I ever knew about working with that kind of machine. Thankfully the other student was familiar and was able to help. Also, connecting to the internet was difficult and time-consuming. If I'm making it sound like a failed session that would be wrong. We had a great time co-making one card and both asked for future lessons.
Unfortunately for me, there was a bad storm that started while we were in class and, since tornados were predicted, I decided to spend the night in a motel.
When I got home in the morning I finally had time to attack one of my organizational agenda items. As I have posted frequently, I have a card class/group that I facilitate monthly. No matter how carefully I plan to get all the makings together I almost always forget at least one important item. Launie, the group leader, and I have begun setting up the day before in order to help us notice any missing items and I wish I could say that we have been successful, but that would not be true.
So, when looking at how I could develop a more foolproof system of preparing for the class, I decided that I need a check-off system.
To digress for a moment let me state that I usually make my prototype cards well in advance of the class, which is on the second Saturday of the month. So one of the reasons I forget items is that the card making process is not fresh in my mind. Another issue is that some things are so automatic that I don't think to plan for them.
This morning I decided to remake one of the cards. As I did this I made sure to place all supplies used into my packing case. I also made notes on a packing list so that I could make note of items I wasn't currently working on.
By the end of the process, I felt certain that all needed items were packed and accounted for. In the
future, I plan to follow this new process when I first make each prototype.
I feel very accomplished today!!

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