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Friday, November 9, 2018

Card Class Week

Card class week is always intense. And, even though I have made improvements to my system, every day has been intense. I had planned to be completely ready by this morning, but despite all my efforts, I was still working on the last card. And even as I write this I just became aware of the need for a demonstration kit for that card . Fortunately for me I was working on something that I can easily turn into a kit.
I want to thank Launie and Patty for partnering with me on the planning and designing of this months cards. If all they had done was act as sounding boards for me that would have been great. What they actually did was work actively on designing two complex cards. This was not just a help to me, but will allow them to be able to help class members construct the cards.
I am loving the changes I have begun making to my daily routine that are making me more relaxed and productive.
I will post the pictures of our three cards after class tomorrow. I always like the cards to be a surprise for the class and I'm free to do that as this is a closed class with regularly attending members. I even designed
a tee shirt for us and will be making them as soon as I get the shirts from them so the sizes will be accurate.
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