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Saturday, October 27, 2018

Becomming More Productive Self Challenge

When I retired I made a commitment to make a business of crafting. The first part of my plan was to have a designated craft spot. Whether that would take the form of a storefront, a room in my house or a shared space with someone was yet to be decided. Today my craft space is in my living room.
I have three commitments. I lead a cardmaking group, I teach Cricut classes at two Joann stores, and I want to have an independent business that I can run from my home.
I started with a vague plan of what I would accomplish each day. While I generally do accomplish at least one crafting task every day I am not nearly as productive as I planned. Part of the reason for my failure is that I either can't think of what I would like to do or I can't remember what I was planning to do.
My faith that what I need will come to me was rewarded yesterday when I received a project planning tool in an e-mail. Although I have tried, in the past, to utilize such forms I have not been successful because the forms required too much work. The current form is simple and can be used for specific tasks or as a running log.
So today is the first day of a challenge I have made for myself that I will accomplish two things. I will track projects for supply and time use and to help me with a daily plan for time use.
Stay tuned for progress reports.

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