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Monday, August 20, 2018

Learning to Video With Melody Lane

As a crafter interested in teaching others what I have learned it is necessary to make youtube and, nowadays, live presentations. I've made some youtubes (which you are welcome to watch) which I find very boring. My voice is monotone and my presentation mundane. Well, tonight, I will start learning to video and live stream from one of my favorite presenters, Melody Lane. As mentioned in other posts, she is so generous with sharing her knowledge and I am so grateful that she has decided to offer this training. The only cost is through her regular Patreon Program. In the past, I have signed up with people offering grand solutions to make the most of online work and have been very disappointed. With Melody Lane, I know that I can trust her to provide freely and generously of her knowledge without a hidden agenda to ask you to keep signing up in more, and more expensive, programs. And, hopefully, it won't be long before I can, unashamedly, ask you to watch my future videos and join some live presentations. Wish me luck.

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