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Thursday, February 15, 2018

I Said I Would But I Didn't

I retired from State employment in July 2017 with the idea that I would turn my craft hobby into a new career. I was already teaching a card class and mentor Cricut users every chance I get. My sister, who also recently retired, and I planned to join forces in this endeavor. But here it is eight months later and, not only have we not opened our business, I have not developed a plan for daily activities to move towards my goal. It is so easy to procrastinate when there is no-one looking over your shoulder. Yes, my sister and I have arranged our studio and are ready to offer our first card class as soon as an over head light fixture is installed. But my vision was so much larger than just that. So that is what I have decided to turn my focus toward starting today. In pursuit of that I watched an Art Impressions Video and then set about doing my best to copy it.  You are welcome to watch the YouTube and comment on how well (or poorly) you think I did.

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