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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Making Progress

I'm very excited about the progress that we have been making to set up crafting space at my sister's house.We just need folding chairs and we will be ready to offer our first card class.There is,somewhat, of a lighting issue so I hope it will be sunny that day. As soon as I choose the cards we will offer I will post pics of them.
 Meanwhile, back at home, I am trying to organize things so I can easily get into my clothes closet and dresser. I don't even try to close the craft box anymore as I enjoy having the work table always available. Of course that means I always have "stuff" piled on it. I'd love to hear from others who have the craft box about how they organize the space and how much they do or don't like it. I love mine, but wish I had a dedicated room for it so that I could open the doors all the way. 

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Thanks to facebook and Anna Griffin

I got one of those reminders from facebook showing a card I made two years ago and wanted to share it on my blog also.
I was so happy to see this one because it is one of my all time favorite cards. It is based on an Anna Griffin design. Along with thousands of other crafters, I love her products and designs and envy her talent.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Making Progress

Started, at last, to take items to my sister's house to set up our paper crafting business. My daughter, her son, and I made a valiant effort to break down and transport the first wave of heavy items from both our house and storage bin yesterday. Today I have been organizing and packing smaller items. In the end they are no less heavy than the larger items from yesterday. Lots of paper, punches, cutting boards, etc. Once we are set up my neighbor has agreed to help us set up a video station. So be looking for our first videos. In future I plan to film the making of the cards offered in my monthly card class.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

I just couldn't help myself

After posting earlier about my new craft space I thought that it was about time I completed a coloring assignment from my Kit and Clowder marker class. I'm proud and excited to share it because it includes raindrops. I have been jonesing for a raindrop stamp ever since I saw one used on a tag I saw on Pinterest. Now I won't need that because I can make my own raindrops

Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful

Day after day of cold snowy weather. I don't even feel like getting dressed. And, since I am retired, I don't really have to. I spent a couple of days putting together and organizing my new Theresa Collins Scrap Box and have actually done a little crafting. I was hoping to go to my sister's today to help her play with her new crafting toys she ordered from HSN during their Crafting Special, but it looks like the weather may prevent that. We'll see how daring I get. If not, I still have quite a bit of organizing to find places for all my craft gear that couldn't fit into the Scrap Box. The fun never ends. LOL.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Update on Son in Law

My son in law just returned from urgent care and was diagnosed with kidney stones. While I am so sorry about the kidney stones I am relieved that he is not suffering from his good Samaritan efforts to get my craft cabinet installed.

New Craft Cabinet

Instead of being in Church this morning I am at home needing to rearrange my craft/bedroom due to the delivery last night of a Craft Box. For those not familiar with craft boxes they are cabinets which expand with hinged doors and include a work desk which folds down. I have been wanting one since I first became aware of them about two years ago. They are quite expensive so I never expected to have one, but my daughter found a used one on an internet sale sight at a much reduced cost. So, not only am I urgently needing to organize so that I can access the clothes in my closet, my son in law is now at urgent care for treatment of what we imagine is pulled muscles from loading and unloading the cabinet. Once the room is clean and organized I will post pictures of the cabinet.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Trying some new techniques

Since I am ready for my Saturday card class I decided to spend some time today trying out a few new techniques I saw demonstrated on YouTube. I was pleased with the results of my first attempt but was frustrated with the stamp I used for the inside sentiment. It just would not ink up evenly. I was particularly interested in this card because I have had the set of Anna Griffin embossing folders for a couple of years but haven't used them because I didn't like the small tab closer. When I saw the idea of using ribbon to close the card I couldn't wait to try it. The other new technique was used to foil stamp the rose image by using glue on the stamp and letting it set, and then adhering the foil by placing it over the stamped image and running the card through the embossing machine enclosed in a folded sheet of paper.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Monthly Card Class

Time has definitely gotten away from me this week. I planned to blog on Monday, but then we had an ice storm and I had to keep up with de-icing. Then on Tuesday I was invited to lunch. (it was delicious by the way). But mostly I have been preparing for my Saturday card class, The three cards we will complete this month are as follows.The first two pics are the front and inside of one card. I don't usually post the inside of the cards, but in this case the front wouldn't make much sense without the inside. All three cards are based on ideas from Pinterest.

Monday, January 1, 2018

No crafting done today. I went to brunch at my sister's and enjoyed spending time with family. Afterwards I went grocery shopping to get food consistent with my plan for eating healthy. I am anxiously awaiting the delivery of a new rolling cart I ordered and am hoping it will arrive tomorrow. I wanted it because it will be a great help in preparing for my monthly card class.