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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Making Progress

I'm very excited about the progress that we have been making to set up crafting space at my sister's house.We just need folding chairs and we will be ready to offer our first card class.There is,somewhat, of a lighting issue so I hope it will be sunny that day. As soon as I choose the cards we will offer I will post pics of them.
 Meanwhile, back at home, I am trying to organize things so I can easily get into my clothes closet and dresser. I don't even try to close the craft box anymore as I enjoy having the work table always available. Of course that means I always have "stuff" piled on it. I'd love to hear from others who have the craft box about how they organize the space and how much they do or don't like it. I love mine, but wish I had a dedicated room for it so that I could open the doors all the way. 

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