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Friday, September 13, 2019

Exercise; Not Craft Related

While scrolling through Facebook this morning I clicked on an ad for One And Done 7 minute exercise course. I watched the whole presentation and read all the comments. The course is $29 and did not have any bad reviews from folks who had bought it.The main complaint was that they don't accept PayPal.
The selling point of this program is that it is brief but effective no matter your present physical condition.
Since I am almost 75 and obese this sounded good to me. My only reservation was the cost if the program did not work or I was unable to use it. They do have a money back policy though.
I decided to Google that program and did not find any negative comments. What I did find is that Johnson and Johnson have a similar program for FREE in an iPhone App.
I downloaded that and tried it out right away.
I was able to do almost all of the exercises but had to modify some either because of my present level of ability or because they were floor exercises and I didn't have enough time to get on the floor (LOL)
My plan is to continue this routine and determine if the results are as promised by the One And Done version.
While I don't plan to divulge my current weight and measurements I will post whether there are any changes.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Conquering My Fear of Video Editing

At Last! I have been making and editing videos! This is such a relief. I firmly believe that videos are the best teaching tool and my inaction toward the process of making and learning to edit frustrated me. Teaching live Cricut classes finally made me aware of what I needed to do in order to move forward.
I began paying attention to how much my self talk about making videos was so much like the self talk of people who are afraid to use the new Cricut machines they were buying.


I tell my students to look at their Cricut machines and see if it has any teeth with which to bite them if they make a mistake. My aim is to help them appreciate that all new efforts are a learning experience and journey toward improvement and no-one but them will know about their mistakes along the way unless they want them to.
Additionally, every facebook group I belong to is full of people who have already made the mistakes that you and I make and are VERY eager to help us learn and grow in our craft.
So I began paying attention to my self talk to see what I was so afraid of or intimidated by and realized that I was fearful of ruining my video and losing a valuable piece of work.

My solution is to make videos that I don’t care so much about and won’t be so devastated if I destroy during my editing efforts. Now that I am more relaxed I am finding the editing process more manageable and, so far, I haven’t ruined anything!
The editing tool I am using now is iMovie and I have found some good YouTube’s on how to use it. My go to is “ How to edit video on your iPhone or iPad with iMovie-full tutorial”

I hope this post will be an encouragement to those struggling with learning a new technique.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Yesterday Life Gave Me Lemonade

I am so excited to say that I had my first Michaels Cricut 101 class. Some might have been disappointed to only have one student, but I was thrilled. I love having one person classes because I can attend to their specific needs. Plus, we really get to know each other.
So that was one glass of lemonade. But when I left and was loading up my car a shopper leaving Michaels offered to help me. When she saw that I had the Cricut Maker she commented that I would love it, thinking that I had just bought it. When I explained that I was actually teaching Cricut she was so excited. It turns out that she will be opening a consignment shop to have a place to sell her own crafts and stated she has a back room that she wants to use for classes and would love to have me teach there. That was a whole pitcher of lemonade.
I can't wait to start. She isn't opening till October though so I will have time to plan curriculum.