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Friday, September 13, 2019

Exercise; Not Craft Related

While scrolling through Facebook this morning I clicked on an ad for One And Done 7 minute exercise course. I watched the whole presentation and read all the comments. The course is $29 and did not have any bad reviews from folks who had bought it.The main complaint was that they don't accept PayPal.
The selling point of this program is that it is brief but effective no matter your present physical condition.
Since I am almost 75 and obese this sounded good to me. My only reservation was the cost if the program did not work or I was unable to use it. They do have a money back policy though.
I decided to Google that program and did not find any negative comments. What I did find is that Johnson and Johnson have a similar program for FREE in an iPhone App.
I downloaded that and tried it out right away.
I was able to do almost all of the exercises but had to modify some either because of my present level of ability or because they were floor exercises and I didn't have enough time to get on the floor (LOL)
My plan is to continue this routine and determine if the results are as promised by the One And Done version.
While I don't plan to divulge my current weight and measurements I will post whether there are any changes.

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