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Monday, January 7, 2019

The Organizing Fairy Spirit Paid Me A Visit

As crafters you know that the organizing struggle is real. And since moving my craft space once again none of my previous organizing methods have worked. Or maybe I just haven't been good at using them. So as you can see from my recent posts I have made a commitment to get organized for the new year. Due to some painful foot problems I have not been as productive as I had hoped, but I saw a podiatrist who worked some magic on my foot and I am feeling much more inspired. Also I must give credit to my friend Launie who stopped by and spent an hour sorting my large scraps into ROYGBIV order.
The sad truth is though that I have a HUGH collection of smaller scraps and embellishments that overwhelmed my ability to think of an appropriate way to organize. So this is where the Organizing Fairy Spirit paid me a visit. Several years ago I hired a professional organizer to help me clean my basement. ( Shout Out to Organizer Jen) She taught me to use a system of three categories: Keep, Donate, Throw Away. The problem is that those categories don't quite work for my paper items. So, maybe while I was sleeping, the Organizing Fairy Spirit paid me a visit and suddenly I had the answer. I would grab the first handy collection, which was a shoebox, and let what I found inform me of the categories I would need. I collected every container I could find and then labeled them as their content became known instead of deciding the categories first. So, at the end of day one, I have three categories. Card Fronts; Started Cards that need to be finished; Embellishments.
The room still is a mess but, at last, I can see my way to the end. Which means that I will be more able to clean as I go. Or, at least, easily clean up after a crafting session.
I hope that this post will be an inspiration to those needing your own Organizing Fairy Spirit. Good Luck and let me know how you are doing.,
As always, thanks for visiting this blog.

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