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Friday, December 28, 2018

Craftroom Cleaning and Two Cards Made

I have been diligently working on my resolutions to reorganize my craft room and use my cache of embellishments, scraps, and partially made cards.
I actually started the craft room cleaning and reorganizing Christmas Eve day and continued through today. Still not quite finished but enough so that I felt justified in doing some actually crafting.
While cleaning I came across a card I made a long time ago but ruined by double stamping which was uneven. I made labels to cover the stamping and salvaged a disaster.

The second card was made from a card base that I cut a shape out of to use for another card and the card base was the only paper I had that matched what I was making. I always thought that it would make a nice window card. The inside was a stamp I was practicing a technique with. So when I came across both of these items I decided that were a good match. I used vellum to cover the opening and stamped some snow on the outside and also put in some smaller snow with a gel pen.

So now I have fulfilled another resolution of making at least one Christmas card a week.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

End of the Year Crafting Resolutions

As I clean up after my marathon Christmas card making I am becoming overwhelmed by the mess and confusion. I am trying to clean in an orderly and efficient manner so that I don't become so overwhelmed that I give up.
This has led me to think of ways that I can arrange my space so that I can be more efficient at the start of projects. Such as having waste containers placed strategically so I don't make scrap messes to begin with.
While I was making the cards I experimented with some newly found embossing folders but did not use them. I am making a resolution to start a new embellishment box with the intention that I must make something with them weekly or as soon as possible after completing a project.
As I had almost no stash of Christmas cards and a list of about fifty people I owed cards I am including in my resolution list to make, at least, two Christmas cards weekly as well as other holiday cards to have ready. I am thinking that I should plan the way businesses do and prepare at least a month ahead for holidays. So when preparing for my monthly card class I will pay attention to upcoming occasions and include those in planning the cards. I personally send very few cards even though I love making them, but group members frequently mention needing a card for a particular occasion so I want to keep that in mind.
So I will add all of this to my list from last year which I have not fully completed but did make some headway by having a plan.
I would love to hear from you about your own crafting challenges so please leave a comment.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Finally Using My Stash

After the November UMC card class, I embarked on my intention of using up scraps and embellishments I have left over from YEARS of crafting. I hadn't intended to focus on Christmas Cards but found so much premade stuff I couldn't resist. The Santa in the background is a Donna Dewberry design I painted several years ago.

I also made a non-shaker card by accident because I forgot to powder the sticky edge around the opening. So disappointed because I worked so hard on it and knew that I needed to do the powdering and should have done it as soon as I thought of it.

Now it is time to prepare for the December UMC card class but, now that I have started, I will resume my mission to use up my stash next week.