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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Let's talk about our crafting philosophy

Finding myself in a contemplative mood today I wanted to blog about that. However, it isn't really related to crafting, which is what my blog is meant to be about. After some thought though, I began to see that there is a relationship.
 I often see posts on facebook requesting feedback due to insecurity about the content. I also see posts from those seeking solace because someone didn't like something they made for them. Or worry about someone tossing a handmade card.
I believe that all of these are related to our personal philosophy.
Using the thrown out card example you might say the makers' personal philosophy is that handmade items have value beyond the giving and should be so valued by the recipient.
The insecure makers' philosophy might be that everything given as a gift must be flawless or at least perfect in the eyes of the recipient.
Of course, there can be other explanations for these things. But I was questioning a personal issue which led me to understand that I have a personal philosophy which I think it is important for me to be aware of in my crafting as well as my personal life.
That philosophy is based on the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
So in my crafting life, that means that I do the best I can, aiming for perfection, but accepting that perfection is not always obtainable or necessary. It also means I can accept imperfection in others.
In my personal life, it means that I treat others as I want to be treated and not in response to how they treat me. My philosophy is not an eye for an eye. And sometimes that causes people to see me as weak. Not standing up for myself. Letting people walk on me.
After some reflection, I realized that I am most comfortable with being myself and not trying to live up to others' expectations.
I would love to know how your philosophy impacts your crafting life so please leave a post in the comments.

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