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Thursday, October 18, 2018

What is your morning routine?

Of course, at my age, the first thing is to hit the bathroom. Then I make an 18oz coffee in my YETI mug. I get right back in bed and turn on a news show on my laptop. While listening to the news I play a round of my favorite online solitaire games. Then check my e-mail and facebook. Then I spend HOURS watching Youtubes trying to learn how to be a better blogger, youtuber, and crafter. As I am writing this I am noticing that it is nearly 11am and I woke up at 6:30. So that gives you an idea of how much of my morning is spent on the computer. (Just a side note to say I also cleaned the bathroom. So I am not a complete sloth).
I would love to know how others' organize, or not, their mornings. Not just being nosy, although I am, I am looking for a better routine that might be more productive. There is so much I want to accomplish.
My thought is that I need a partner in crime to challenge me to try new things and remind of the things that I have said I wanted to accomplish.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave comments.

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