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Monday, April 23, 2018

Cricut Mentors

My first Cricut mentor, Patty, was a fellow crafter and church member. She seemed to have it all figured out. She not only owned a Cricut  but also a small  handheld gadget that allowed her to access her cartridges remotely. I was totally in awe. Also jealous to tell the truth. However, since most of my crafting occurred during late evening and early morning hours I reached out to online resources. I count myself extremely fortunate to have found two amazing mentors: Melody Lane and Crafts by Two. (If you don't already follow them you should. They are awesome) I immediately became Patreons of both and my knowledge and skill grew by leaps and bounds. I have learned so much that I am able to create projects and designs on my own and now mentor my original mentor, Patty.

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