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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Reflections on New Years Eve

I have been spending the morning refecting on 2019 and planning for 2020.
Despite my two hospitalizations, I have been well pleased with the past year. I enjoyed card making and teaching as well as teaching Cricut classes at JoAnn's and Micheals. And, just as I was hoping to expand my teaching capacity, I met someone who offered me a perfect teaching venue. I was able to join Creativation and am currently making arrangements to attend the convention in Arizona.
So, all in all, 2019 has been a very good year.
As is the norm, I am thinking about my New Year's resolutions and what I hope to accomplish. My biggest goal is to become confident in my video making and editing skills. I started making videos three years ago, but have not mastered editing. I was excited to join Melody Lane's class on doing live streaming and even tried one. I was so traumatized by that attempt that I was afraid to try again. So my plan and hope is, that this time next year, I will be the proud producer of a weekly Youtube offering.

Here's hoping that all of your New Year's wishes come true.

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