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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Follow Up to Live Presentation

Let me start by saying I will be deleting the video from the live presentation. Not so much because of the quality of the content but because there was a considerable lag between the video and the sound. But I'm so glad that I tried it.
The good news that comes out of it, however, is not just good but GREAT!
I had been preparing for several days to get the set up correct. When I went to sleep last night I was confident that everything was ready to go. Not to leave anything to chance I started preparing at 8am. for a 1o'clock start. By 10 I was a wreck and panicking. My only hope was to call on my neighbor who is a computer programmer and beg for help. He was hugely accommodating and went so far as to lend me cameras and speakers. He spent more than an hour getting me set up so that I could point and click to bring up my three scenes.
As if that was not enough, he came back later to see how it went. When I told him about the lag he, again,  started looking for solutions.
Bottom line he has offered extended help to create a professional set up for me.
Since I believe that I am meant to be a crafting presence online as well as in person I believe that Harry was put in my life to move me along this path.
So bad Live Event but GREAT consequences.
Thanks also to those that participated in my first attempt and hope that you will not be so put off by it that you won't give me another chance.

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