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Thursday, November 26, 2020

More Covid and Crafting Update

 I am still living between my sister's house and mine but have accumulated sufficient supplies at my sister's house to continue card making, water coloring, and alcohol ink coloring. I just need a few more supplies to be fully operative.

In the meantime the most significant Covid after-effect is my ability to wake from a nap that I wasn't aware I was taking.

Well, maybe that isn't the most significant after-effect. I lost weight during my Covid battle and am determined to keep that weight off. In addition my risk of diabetes is significant now so I started a low carb diet and am continuing to lose weight. I am using an APP to track my eating and exercise (walking) called Carb Manager. I'm really liking it. It is easy to use and already lists many of the foods I eat.

In order to keep this post craft related I'll show you my latest Kit and Clowder project which I turned into a Christmas Card !