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Tuesday, August 6, 2019


In my last post I was excited to say that my video setup was complete and I was looking forward to making videos and learning how to edit same.
Instead I wound up in the hospital for a week. The problem was, and is, my foot. At least that is the visible symptom. So, even though I have had a similar problem in the past, my plea for the medics to look beyond the visible and appreciate my past experience went unheeded. A week was spent treating a non-existent infection. The positive to this was that every single person who entered my room, from doctors to housekeeper, was friendly, patient, and informative. Plus I got to lie in bed and get waited on hand and foot.
So now I am scheduled to see a cardiologist who will address the real problem which is, as I tried to tell them, poor circulation due to occlusion.
Now why am I posting this sad tale on a crafting blog? It is to bemoan my inability to make videos, clean my craft room, make cards, watercolor, play with alcohol inks, and mostly because I missed out on attending the Meet and Greet in Virginia with Melody Lane and Ashish Arora. Luckily a facebook friend was able to use my ticket. I also missed my Art Impressions class at the CKC Convention but did get to attend and pick up my kit and do some shopping as my daughter went with me and pushed me in a wheel chair.
So, all is not lost, just postponed. Today I was able to start an alcohol ink project and complete an Art Impressions watercolor. YEAH !