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Sunday, May 12, 2019

Getting back in the groove

I haven't posted in a while on facebook groups or my blog and I had to figure out what was standing in the way. I finally realized that typing on laptop keyboards is not my thing. Especially when my laptops are both sitting high so it is hard for me to determine if I am on the right letters. So today I bought a new Bluetooth keyboard and am on the road to catching up on all my pages., I have also made a commitment to learning to use my video program. I have made a few youtubes and found myself to be very monotone and boring. If I wasn't teaching live classes I would think that boring was just my style, but in my live classes, I'm pretty lively. So, on reflection, I think I'm so focused on what I am making that it's as though I am talking to myself rather than an audience. If I can learn to edit I can just make my project and add the sound later. I expect this to take a while so don't hold your breath waiting for the next video. 
I hope everyone has been well and happy and making lots of crafts.