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Monday, March 18, 2019

WOW ! Haven't Posted in a While

So much has been going on! I was having trouble with my toes turning blue and they were very painful. Since I almost lost a toe a few years ago due to clotting problems I was anxious to get a diagnosis and treatment.
As many folks do, I turned to the internet for a solution and came up with Gangrene. It sounded logical to me since I had previously had a form of gangrene in the same foot.
After getting tests done by my vascular doctor with nothing of note being found, I asked to be referred to a podiatrist. His diagnosis is Raynaud's disease and he told me to buy a pair of thick socks.
By luck, when my daughter and I went right from his office to Kohls, we found a pair of the thickest socks I had ever seen. They are called Heat Holders. I put them on as soon as I got home and "WOW" my toes immediately turned pink and stopped hurting.
I now have three pairs and am sooooo thankful.
In addition to recommending the socks, the doctor cut down a severely overgrown toenail on the same foot and I can now walk comfortably and correctly.
In the service of getting all of this accomplished, I had to have two ct scans and ultrasound.
I have been crafting through all of this. As well as keeping up with my UMC card group and the Cricut classes I teach at two JoAnn stores.
What I haven't managed to keep up with has been this blog and my Facebook pages.

By the way, I started a Facebook group focused on learning and using the Cricut machine. It is called, "MaryLou's Cricut Crew" and anyone who uses the Cricut is welcome to join. Those that join will get access to any of my files that are made with open access elements.
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