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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Old year out. New year in,

 As the year ends I am looking back at all I expected from the past twelve months and what I actually got. I expected to be employed for at least two more years, but retired in July when I realized that I was no longer a fully motivated employee. I woke each day asking if I had a good excuse not to go to work. So I retired in July and expected to complete the scheduled remodeling of my house and to open a physical location for my crafting business. The year ends with neither of those objectives completed. I was treated to a birthday cruise in October which I enjoyed immensely. Got to spend quality time with two of my four daughters who joined me on the cruise. I sit here now, in front of my computer, contemplating my hopes and dreams for the new year. Of course there is still the expectation of completing the remodel. I have temporarily given up the idea of renting a space for the craft business and will instead move all of my equipment to my sister's house and begin offering card classes and Cricut instruction from there. And last, I am determined to increase my Facebook and Blog presence. I end with the wish that everyone has a meaningful New Year with mostly wonderful experiences to report this time next year.